The EFFECTS 300 software is an encyclopedia of technically significant scientific knowledge.
The result of EFFECTS 300’ operation takes the form of an analytical report on given subject.
Data represented in an analytical report can be used to:
- develop concepts of new devices and technologies regardless of their application area
- reveal reasons for breakages and failures of different devices
- define effects of various natural and technological processes
- develop design models for devices and technologies
EFFECTS 300’ database is open to edit. With special editors, the user can extend any of its sections. Thus, EFFECTS 300 can be used as the platform to create a personal base of knowledge.
EFFECTS 300’ database contains full descriptions of 300 effects and application areas for about 1000 physical, chemical and biological effects.
Effect is a cause-and-effect relationship between two phenomena, which is realized under certain conditions. One of the phenomena is the cause of an effect, while the other is its consequence.
The description of an effect comprises graphical and textual parts. The graphical part consists of two illustrations connected with each other. One of the illustrations demonstrates the effect, and the other goes into its internal causes.
The textual part of an effect includes:
- list of conditions to be created for an effect to be realized
- expert estimation of change limits for indices of an effect
- explanation
- design models with estimation examples
- experimental data
- values for properties of substances and materials used in design models
- application of an effect in engineering with patent and author’s certificate references
- literature in which an effect is described in more detail
EFFECTS 300’ database also includes an engineering handbook and a terms dictionary. The handbook contains more than 100 tables with values for physical and physical-chemical properties of substances and materials, as well as practically useful math formula. The dictionary comprises definitions for about 2400 scientific and technical terms used as key words for search in the database.
▶ Data search
EFFECTS 300 makes it possible to find:
Data search is carried out with a key word that can be typed or key terms from the Dictionary. EFFECTS 300 conducts searching by means of a single key word or a set of key words.
▶ Creation of analytical report
Data inquired can be included in an analytical report and exported to the MOS Word text editor or written to the clipboard.
▶ Printout
Any active database element can be printed out.
▶ Database editing
EFFECTS 300’ database is open to edit. With three special editors, the user can change or extend any of the database sections.
▶ Reference information survey
The user can browse EFFECTS 300’ Glossary and User guide. The Glossary comprises terms that are frequently used in describing database elements. The glossary is open to edit.
The User guide contains information for the user on how to work with EFFECTS 300.