The SA software is designed to build models of various situations. SA is especially useful for the analysis of situations in engineering.
With SA, you can:
- build a cause-and-effect model of a phenomenon to be observed
- build a target model with respect to a set (initial) goal
- build the parametric model of a system
- find ways to resolve problem situations.
A cause-and-effect model makes it possible to reveal the most likely causes and most important effects of a phenomenon.
A target model defines substitute goals to reach an initial goal with indirect means.
The parametric model of a system demonstrates the dependence of external properties of a system, for example, technical indices, from parameters of the system elements.
In a number of cases a target model of a problem situation helps find ways to resolve the problem. This is due to the fact that the ways to reach some substitute goals in such a model are self-evident. Therefore, such substitute goals are the ways to reach an initial goal, or, in other words, to resolve problem situations.
Once data are input and a model of a situation is built, SA makes an analytical report.
SA comprises 12 methods to analyze different situations. The methods are demonstrated with examples. In addition, SA’s database contains the results of analysis of 35 technical problem situations.
▶ Task setting
In the Task setting module, the user specifies data for the report title-page, describes a situation and indicates the ways of its analysis.
▶ Situation analysis
It comprises 2 stages: building a graphical model of a situation and creating results of analysis. A special object graphical editor is used to build a situation model. The results of analysis is a part of information taken from the situation model and transferred to the summary table.
▶ Conclusions derived from analysis
Conclusions derived from the results of analysis of a situation can be put down, if necessary.
▶ Report editing
Once data on the analysis of situation are put down, the user can generate a research report which, when finished, can be exported into MS Word text editor./p>
▶ Printout
A situation model and results of its analysis can be printed out from the SA software.
▶ Project management
All current results can be stored in the projects base. A projects manager is used to handle the base. The projects manager allows loading projects to the base for further operation or removing unnecessary ones from the base.
▶ Help information review
In setting a task and building a situation model the user can view any of the 12 situation analysis methods as well as the Glossary. The Glossary contains terms frequently used in the above methods. In addition, the user can open the Help window (User’s manual).
The Help contains all data necessary for independent training to work with the SA software.